Monday, July 28, 2008

Jean's Conversion

Remember the story about my friend Kent's conversion? Here is his Mom's story. It's awesome!


I grew up with goodly parents and two brothers and a
sister. My parents were great but religion was not
a part of their lives or ours as a family except on
the occasional Christmas Eve and Easter. Every now
and then we would go through a spurt and attend
church(Episcopal)for a little while but pretty soon
mom and dad were dropping us off and then pretty soon
that even went by the wayside. I'd have to say that
my knowledge of God and the Bible pretty much consisted
of the Christmas story and the Easter story. I didn't
know anything about the Old Testament or the New
Testament, nothing about a second coming and nothing
about death and where we went. I knew two prayers,
"Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep" and "The Lord's Prayer".
I didn't worry about it, think about it and as such,
it wasn't a part of my life.

Heavenly Father knows so well when the timing is
right for a change and when the spirit is willing to
listen. After Ross and I were married and had our
three boys,Kent, Matt, and Colin, things began to
change and I had a yearning for something more and I
wanted to know what happens after this life,if
anything. I began a search,began to read books,
Buddhism, Catholicism,Judaism and our church(Episcopal).
We even found an Episcopal church in Chicago where we
were living at the time and began to go on a more
regular basis. I met with a w women's group,and at
one of the meetings the Priest was there and talking
about a group of 4 and 5 year olds. He said that he
asked them to draw a picture of God and when they were
done,everyone without exception had drawn a picture of
a man. So I asked him what he would have drawn and he
said he would have drawn a picture of vibrant colors
and if possible a powerful source of energy. It would
be an all powerful being that nobody could really draw.
So I asked again," So do we worship that powerful being?"
and he said yes. I thought there and then that was the
biggest rip-off, if after you die, you spend eternity
sitting around and worshiping a God that we couldn't
even relate to. That ended my church going there. There
were some things with each one of the churches that I
could sort of buy into but on the whole, I was left with
an emptiness in the area of the most important answers,
what happens when you die and what is expected of us,
or was nothing expected? And most importantly, who is

Now we were living in Cincinnati, our boys were in grade
school and Kindergarten. I know Heavenly Father knows
where we need to be for that which needs to happen.
Enter the Nielson family into the picture and into the
neighborhood. Everybody found out in short order that
they were MORMONS!! We knew nothing about Mormons.
I only knew because someone told me that Joe Smith was
a strong man who had carried cement tablets over some
mountains and they didn't plant grass, as at that time
the Nielsons had not yet put in their lawn. It turned
out that their oldest son, Brett and our oldest son,
Kent, became best friends. They were never apart.
Their other son, and Colin our youngest became buds and
Matt was friends with both. David and Judith, the
parents turned out to be a really cool couple in the
neighborhood and came to all of our parties. I began
to also notice that their family was different in a
really good way and I couldn't put my finger on what
it was.

During this period of time, my mom died unexpectedly
and that was extremely hard for me because it was the
first experience I had with death and I had all these
unanswered questions. After mom's death, I remember
standing at the kitchen window watching the boys and
Ross playing football in the backyard. It was a
beautiful day and I thought to myself, "Is this really
all there is?" Surely I must owe God something for the
good life I had. My search intensified. I signed up
for a transactional analysis class which was supposed
to help you know yourself, value yourself, and help
you help your children with self-esteem issues. I
pretty much felt like I did know myself but was
willing to take the class and see if I got anything
out of it.

During that period of time, Kent was going to some of
the Primary activities with Brett and came home after
one of the activities and said he wanted to be a
Mormon when he grew up. I didn't think too much about
it at the time, but Heavenly Father works his plan...
I had a luncheon for the women in the neighborhood,
Judith came,left and came back after it was over for
some reason. I told her about the class I was taking
and she told me that you learn that from the time you
are a small child in her church. Something went off
in my head and I began to feel feelings of great
excitement and told her about Kent's statement and
asked her if she had anything that I could read that
would tell me about the church. I devoured everything
she gave me to read, it was if I couldn't read enough.
I knew what I was reading was true, and as I knew that
I had found what I had been searching for. I was like
someone who had been without water for too long and
couldn't get enough. Every question that I had was
answered, I finally knew why I was here and where I
was going. I knew I could have my family for
eternity. There was nothing that was going to keep me
from joining this church. We did listen to the
missionaries and as soon as we were finished, Matt and
Kent and I entered into the waters of baptism. Ross
wasn't ready (another story as he is now a member) and
Colin was too young.

Now after many years in the church, serving in many
capacities, realizing the power of the atonement,as we,
who are so imperfect,deal with each other within the
framework of the church, how grateful I am for the
framework which is perfect and is the vehicle which
brings us back to Christ. How grateful I am to have
the answers as we deal with the uncertainties and
storms of life that we all face. As we have dealt
with the tragedy of losing our youngest son, Colin,
to cancer at the age of 33, I'm not sure how I could
have weathered the intense storm of grief, if I
didn't know that this life is merely a blink and we
have eternity with our loved ones, we will be with
Colin again, in a few moments for him and longer for
us. How glad I am tofinally know the answers.

There is no doubt in my mind that the church is so,so,
so true, that if we live by it's teachings, our
blessings are unmeasurable, the Holy ghost has
witnessed this to me. As I look back on my life,
both before joining the Church and after, I see
Heavenly Father's guidance bringing me where I am


Ada's Girl said...

Thanks for the parts of the story that I didn't know. Thanks for taking time to write it for us. Brett, thanks for bring all of this back to our minds. This conversion story has impacted both families in wonderful ways for many years. "And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me! Doctrine and Covenants 18:1 What a blessing to be the smallest part of this. Thank you Richards Family.

Carrie said...

What a wonderful story. I was too young to remember it all, but I sure do remember living in Fairfield and spending time with your family. It was great. I loved hearing from Auntie Jean!