Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Meet Samuel Brett!

"look at my little baby dinosaur"

He made an "I am thankful for my family" necklace at pre-school. He had one of the fullest!

chillin with Dad

Meet Samuel, my third son. He's number 6 on the Nielson hit parade and the youngest of all my kids. He's the baby of the family and is proud of it.

He's full of fun and mischief as you can imagine and he gets his coveted curls from both sides of the family.

At age 3, Samuel is becoming more verbal everyday and he seems to enjoy music. Some of his favorite phrases are:

"No Joseph, that's mine!"
"My name is Samuel Brett Nielson!" & "Sorry I made you mad."

He loves dinosaurs, ghosts, and apple sauce with blueberries.

His favorite shows are:

Scooby Doo
Wonder Pets
Little Einsteins
Dora & Diego
Power Rangers
Dinosaur King

He likes to follow his mom around the house all day long to talk. She calls him her little shadow. He also likes growling and wrestling with his Dad.

His favorite baby sitter is his big sister, Katherine.

Next time you see him, be sure to pat his curly head and sing the Scooby Doo theme song. He likes that.


Bonnie said...

Aww! He seems so sweet.

Carrie said...

Samuel is getting so BIG! Love your blog.